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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tawuran, Tiga Pelajar SMK Terkapar Kena Bacokan


Senin, 30 Juli 2012 

Tawuran, Tiga Pelajar SMK Terkapar Kena Bacokan
pelajar dibacok
Tiga pelajar SMK terluka kena bacokan senjata tajam 

SUKABUM (Pos Kota) – Sebanyak tiga pelajar SMK swasta berbeda di Kota Sukabumi, Jawa Barat terkapar terkena bacokan setelah terlibat tawuran di kawasan Stasiun Kereta Api, Sukabumi, Senin (30/7) siang.
Tiga pelajar SMK terluka kena bacokan senjata tajam

Ketiganya dilarikan ke Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) RSUD R Syamsudin Kota Sukabumi untuk mendapatkan perawatan medis.

Ketiga siswa terluka itu adalah Yoga dan Iwan asal pelajar SMK Siliwangi serta Sabarudin siswa asal SMK Pasundan. Ketiganya menderita cedera serius pada bagian kepala dan tangan akibat luka bacokan senjata tajam.

Dari ketiganya, Yoga mengalami luka palih parah. Soalnya, luka di bagian kepalanya menembus tulang. Sehingga Yoga terpaksa harus menjalani rawat inap, sementara dua korban lainnya diperbolehkan pulang.
Tiga pelajar SMK terluka kena bacokan senjata tajam

Informasi yang dihimpun, aksi tawuran tersebut melibatkan puluhan siswa dari dua SMK berbeda, SMK Siliwangi dan SMK Pasudan. Lokasinya di kawasan Stasiun Kereta Api. Begitu aksi terjadi, massa yang melihatnya langsung berusaha melerainya.

Tak berapa lama, aparat kepolisian setempat langsung ikut membubarkan dua kubu berseteru itu. Polisi berhasil mengamankan beberapa barang bukti sajam yang digunakan para pelajar tersebut.

Kepala Polsek Citamiang, Kompol Sumarta Setiadi menjelaskan, dalam aksi tawuran tersebut pihaknya berhasil mengamankan tiga orang pelajar. Tak hanya ketiga pelajar, pihaknya juga mengamankan beberapa sajam seperti samurai, satu buah kujang dan gir besi.

“Para pelajar ini terlibat tawuran di sekitar stasiun dan sempat dilerai warga. Ada tiga orang yang kita amankan dan sejumlah barang bukti,” kata Sumarta. (

Monday, July 30, 2012

Marissa Mayer Has a Secret Weapon

Marissa Mayer Has a Secret Weapon
·         BY STEVEN LEVY
Everyone agrees that one of Marissa Mayer’s most urgent tasks at Yahoo will be hiring great managers and product people. Yahoo’s talent pool has been reduced to puddles, as the best techies have gone elsewhere and promising newcomers have come down with colorblindness when it comes to purple.  Some people wonder whether even Mayer can lure back the brains.
It turns out, though, that the new CEO has a unique advantage in fulfilling this quest. For the past decade, she has been the doyen of a collection of some of the most talented young engineers and product managers in all of technology. These are the hand-selected prime talents of an accelerated leadership program at Google called Associate Product Manager (APM).
Mayer invented this program, led it and never gave it up. It was a key part of her tenure at Google. And now she may reap some benefits.
Don’t be fooled by the modest title, prefixed by that timid word “associate.” The most coveted entry post at Google is spelled APM. This is an incubation system for tech rock stars. “The APM program is one of our core values — I’d like to think of one of them as the eventual CEO of the company,” Google’s Executive Chair Eric Schmidt once told me.
Consider the first APM, a fresh Stanford grad named Brian Rakowski. He became a key leader of the team that built the Chrome browser and now is the VP of the Chrome operation. The second was Wesley Chan, who made Google Toolbar a success, then launched Google Analytics and Google Voice. He’s now picking winners for Google Ventures. Another early APM was Bret Taylor, who earned his bones by launching Google Maps. He left Google and co-founded Friendfeed, then become the Chief Technical Officer of Facebook.
Though not all APMs achieve such glory, they are generally recognized as elite. At any given time at Google, there are over 40 APMs active in the two-year program. And since Google has been hiring them since the early 2000s there are over 300 who have been through the program.
And the glue to the whole shebang was Marissa Mayer, who was the APM boss, mentor, den mother and role model.
Mayer thought up the program in early 2002. Google had been struggling to find PMs who could work within the peculiar company culture — team leaders who would not be bosses but work consensually with the wizards who produce code. Ideally, a Google product manger would understand the technical issues and sway the team to his or her viewpoint by strong data-backed arguments, and more than a bit of canny psychology. But experienced PMs from places like Microsoft, or those with MBAs, didn’t understand the Google way, and tried to force their views on teams.
So Mayer came up with an idea: Google would hire computer science majors who just graduated or had been in the workplace fewer than 18 months. The ideal applicants must have technical talent, but not be total programming geeks — APMs had to have social finesse and business sense. Essentially they would be in-house entrepreneurs. They would undergo a multi-interview hiring process that made the Harvard admissions regimen look like community college. The chosen ones were thrown into deep water, heading real, important product teams. (As the first APM, Rakowski was asked to launch a nascent project called Gmail. By the way, I hear Rakowski is taking over the program now that Mayer is gone.) “We give them way too much responsibility,” Mayer once told me, “to see if they can handle it.” Also, Google had APMs perform tasks for top management, like note-taking at high-level executive meetings or drawing up white papers on ambitious potential products.
The program has a been massive success, with APMs filling key roles in dozens of key Google products, ranging from apps to search to ads. The program has been so successful that Google has created a variation for leaders of non-product teams. These are called Marketing APMs. Though not quite as prestigious as APMs, these Googlers are not exactly chopped liver. For instance, Kevin Systrom was an MAPM — before he left Google and founded Instagram.
The one constant in the program has been Mayer. Her staff ran the program, and continued to do so, even after she moved from heading search products to local services in 2011. You didn’t get to be an APM unless you connected with her; she was the last interview in a long series, and she’d typically make ultimate decision. (“Tell me about a product you love,” she’d ask candidates. There was no right answer. But not describing the choice with passionwas the wrong answer.)

Marissa Mayer

Once you become an APM, Mayer was available as mentor and counselor. She made time in her insanely busy schedule to meet. She worked behind the scenes to address any issues that arose.
Halfway through the two-year program, Mayer herself would lead the group on a summer trip to visit international Google outposts. (I accompanied the trip in 2007; we went to Tokyo, Beijing, Bangalore, and Tel Aviv. This year, one of the cities included Jakarta.) It would be a bonding experience for each year’s group of APMs — bonding with each other and to Mayer.
Many, if not most, of the APMs keep in touch with Mayer after they graduate from the program, meeting with her periodically for a career check, and consulting with her when they considered a move. This occurs even after APMs leave Google. (It’s not surprising that a high percentage of APMs go elsewhere. APMs are chosen for their ambition and independence. Those traits are often at odds with working at a big company.)
In short, Marissa Mayer has developed a deep connection to over three hundred of most talented tech people in Silicon Valley. They may still be at Google, they may have moved to companies like Facebook or Dropbox, or they may have started their own budding enterprises like Optimizely. But in some sense they are all Marissa’s acolytes.
It would be not be surprising if some of these baccalaureate APMs wind up at Yahoo. In addition, former APMs all have their own networks, and can tip off Mayer to promising hires. Naturally, one of the first e-mails that Mayer sent after accepting her new job was a blast to the entire APM network, informing them of her move and assuring them that she will still be in touch. She reminded them that they are all part of a very special family.
And Mayer would presumably be happy to welcome some of these family members to her new home at Yahoo.

Stallone Talks ‘Expendables 2′ in a new Behind-The-Scenes

Sly Stallone Talks ‘Expendables 2′ in a new Behind-The-Scenes Featurette By Lee Mills • Lionsgate . The Expendables 2 panel at Comic-Con was my favorite of the entire weekend, and at this point, it’s my most anticipated movie of the rest of the summer. While it’s fun to watch superheros run (or fly) around beating up bad guys with magical objects, shoot lasers out of their eyes, or build million-dollar combat suits, it’s refreshing to see a bunch of normal dudes blowing stuff up with machine guns, rocket launchers, tanks and the like. But as Stallone points out in a new behind-the-scenes featurette, the most impressive feat in this movie is probably the cast, in which every major action star from the 80s plus a few from today get together to stop Jean Claude van Damme (c’mon, he’s french…he has to be the villain). I say probably because in the same video, we see Sly fly a plane through the underpass of a bridge that will almost certainly tear the wings off as he attempts a hot landing. The Expendables 2 opens August 17th, 2012. . Synopsis: The Expendables are back and this time it’s personal… Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), Lee Christmas (Jason Statham), Yin Yang (Jet Li), Gunnar Jensen (Dolph Lundgren),Toll Road (Randy Couture) and Hale Caesar (Terry Crews) — with newest members Billy the Kid (Liam Hemsworth) and Maggie (Yu Nan) aboard — are reunited when Mr. Church (Bruce Willis) enlists the Expendables to take on a seemingly simple job. The task looks like an easy paycheck for Barney and his band of old-school mercenaries. But when things go wrong and one of their own is viciously killed, the Expendables are compelled to seek revenge in hostile territory where the odds are stacked against them. Hell-bent on payback, the crew cuts a swath of destruction through opposing forces, wreaking havoc and shutting down an unexpected threat in the nick of time – six pounds of weapons-grade plutonium; enough to change the balance of power in the world. But that’s nothing compared to the justice they serve against the villainous adversary who savagely murdered their brother. That is done the Expendables way…. Tags : Arnold Schwarzenegger, bruce willis, Chuck Norris, Dolph Lundgren, Jason Statham, Jean Claude Van Damme, Jet Li, liam hemsworth, Randy Couture, Sylvester Stallone, Terry Crews